
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mango ♡

manggaaa ♡ suka banget sama buah yang satu ini aaaaa~~ mangga itu termasuk kelompok buah batu (drupa) yang berdaging, dengan ukuran dan bentuk yang sangat berubah-ubah bergantung pada macamnya, mulai dari bulat (misalnya mangga gedong), bulat telur (gadung, indramayu, arumanis) hingga lonjong memanjang (mangga golek). Panjang buah kira-kira 2,5-30 cm. Pada bagian ujung buah, ada bagian yang runcing yang disebut paruh. Di atas paruh ada bagian yang membengkok yang disebut sinus, yang dilanjutkan ke bagian perut.

Kulit buah agak tebal berbintik-bintik kelenjar; hijau, kekuningan atau kemerahan bila masak. Daging buah jika masak berwarna merah jingga, kuning atau krem, berserabut atau tidak, manis sampai masam dengan banyak air dan berbau kuat sampai lemah. Biji berwarna putih, gepeng memanjang tertutup endokarp yang tebal, mengayu dan berserat. Biji ini terdiri dari dua keping; ada yang monoembrional dan ada pula yang poliembrional.

Mangga terutama ditanam untuk buahnya. Buah yang matang umum dimakan dalam keadaan segar, sebagai buah meja atau campuran es, dalam bentuk irisan atau diblender. Buah yang muda kerapkali dirujak, atau dijajakan di tepi jalan setelah dikupas, dibelah-belah dan dilengkapi bumbu garam dengan cabai. Buah mangga juga diolah sebagai manisan, irisan buah kering, dikalengkan dan lain-lain. Di pelbagai daerah di Indonesia, mangga (tua atau muda) yang masam kerap dijadikan campuran sambal atau masakan ikan dan daging.

Biji mangga dapat dijadikan pakan ternak atau unggas; di India bahkan dijadikan bahan pangan di masa paceklik. Daun mudanya dilalap atau dijadikan sayuran. Kayu mangga cukup kuat, keras dan mudah dikerjakan; namun kurang awet untuk penggunaan di luar. Kayu ini juga dapat dijadikan arang yang baik.

Daun mangga mengandung senyawa organik tarakserol-3beta dan ekstrak etil asetat yang bersinergis dengan insulin mengaktivasi GLUT4, dan menstimulasi sintesis glikogen, sehingga dapat menurunkan gejala hiperglisemia.

Mangga terutama dihasilkan oleh negara-negara India, Tiongkok, Meksiko, Thailand, Pakistan, Indonesia, Brasil, Filipina, dan Bangladesh. Total produksi dunia di tahun ‘80an sekitar 15 juta ton, namun hanya sekitar 90.000 ton (1985) yang diperdagangkan di tingkat dunia. Artinya, sebagian besar mangga dikonsumsi secara lokal.

Sementara itu pasar utama mangga adalah Asia Tenggara, Eropa, Amerika Serikat dan Jepang. Singapura, Hong Kong dan Jepang merupakan pengimpor yang terbesar di Asia. Gambaran produksi mangga tahun 2007 dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah.

Mangga memiliki nilai-nilai kultural yang tinggi, khususnya di pelbagai negara di Asia bagian selatan. Di Filipina, buah ini merupakan simbol nasional. Dalam kitab suci Weda agama Hindu, mangga dianggap sebagai “hidangan para dewa”. Daun-daun mangga kerap digunakan secara ritual dalam dekorasi upacara perkawinan atau keagamaan Hindu.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


AAA SOUR SALLY!! tau kan sour sally? kalo ga tau keterlaluan banget :p hoho nih harga harga sama toppings yang ada di sour sally (aku ambil dari

Harga –harga yang ditawarkan untuk berbgai macam menu disini adalah :

Original Plain

Small Rp. 17500 1 topping combo @ Rp. 22500
Medium Rp. 24500 2 topping combo @ Rp. 29500
Large Rp. 34500 3 topping combo @ Rp. 44500

Green Tea

Small Rp. 19500 1 topping combo @ Rp. 24500
Medium Rp. 27500 2 topping combo @ Rp. 32500
Large Rp. 37500 3 topping combo @ Rp. 47500

Twist (Mix) (new)

Small Rp. 22500 1 topping combo @ Rp. 27500
Medium Rp. 29500 2 topping combo @ Rp. 34500
Large Rp. 39500 3 topping combo @ Rp. 49500


• Regular (any of the 5 flavors) Rp. 28500
• Mix your own (2 fruits) Rp. 31500
• Green Tea Rp. 31500


Original Plain (+ 4 toppings)

• Single Size Rp. 37500
• Double Size Rp. 49500

Green Tea (+ 4 toppings)
• Single Size Rp. 42500
• Double Size Rp. 54500

Twist (Mix)
o Single Size Rp. 47500
o Double Size Rp. 59500

Kalian juga bisa memilih berbagai macam toping yang sesuai dengan selera.
Pilihan rasa non-fat frozen yogurt :

Original Plain
- Green Tea
- Twist (Original Plain dan Green Tea)

Toppings buah :
- Strawberry
- Peach
- Pisang
- Nanas
- Nangka
- Kiwi
- Lychee
- Mangga
- Blueberry jam
- Strawberry jam

Toppings selain buah :
- Nata de coco
- Mochi
- Kenari
- Raisins
- Cokelat chips
- Oreo
- Corn star [cereal]
- Choco balls [cereal]
- Fruity pebbles [cereal]
- Cookie crisp [cereal]

Smoothies :
- Strawberry
- Mangga
- Pisang
- Longan
- Nangka
- Campuran 2 jenis buah sesuai selera
- Green Tea

Shaved Ice [ beserta 4 toppings] :
- Original Plain [ukuran single dan double]
- Green Tea [ukuran single dan double]
- Twist [ukuran single dan double]

Dibuat dengan lapisan dasar shaved ice, ditabur 4 jenis campuran toppings, kemudian dilumuri susu manis yang tersembunyi di bawah lapisan frozen yogurt.

So, ngga ada salahnya kamu mencoba menu yoghurt di Sour Sally Fro-Yo. Berbagai varian bisa kamu coba disini. Selain enak, yoghurt juga bagus untuk kesehatan. Selamat Mencoba!!!♡

Aku Cinta Indonesia ♡

Indonesia tanah air beta~ pusaka abadi nan jayaaa~~
yep! Menurutku Indonesia itu negara terkaya di dunia ini karena Indonesia itu punya banyak kebudayaan.. tapi ga cuma kebudayaan aja, buktinya kita punya tambang emang yang segitu gedenya :0 makanya, kita harus bangga jadi orang Indonesia.. mana ada negara yang kaya Indonesia, ye gak? ga ada kan negara yang punya kebudayaan, tari daerah, baju daerah dll sebanyak Indonesia? Bali.. Siapa yang ga tau tempat ini? orang orang bule aja demen banget tuh ke Bali. NAH, orang luar negri aja suka sama Indonesia, kita juga harus BANGGA sama negara kita sendiri.. liat nih betapa indah nya Indonesia





sebenernya masih banyak banget ke indahan dari Indonesia, karna sangking banyaknya, aku gabisa nge upload foto nya satu satu dan pegel juga kali ya kalo mesti semuanya hehehe :p biar lebih lengkap kalian browsing aja yaa :ppp hehehee


Fashion, a general term for the style and custom prevalent at a given time, in its most common usage refers to costume or clothingstyle. The more technical term, costume, has become so linked in the public eye with the term "fashion" that the more general term "costume" has in popular use mostly been relegated to special senses like fancy dress ormasquerade wear, while the term "fashion" means clothing generally, and the study of it. This linguistic switch is due to the fashion plates which were produced during theIndustrial Revolution, showing the latest designs. For a broad cross-cultural look at clothing and its place in society, refer to the entries for clothing, costume and fabrics. The remainder of this article deals with clothing fashions in the Western world.


Monday, September 6, 2010


guys, pasti tau shuffle kan? yep! itu sekarang lagi jaman nya shuffle dance.. aku punya group shuffle namanya Hunting of Shuffle (HOS) yang buat HOS ini namanya Rivo.. ini info tentang melbourne shuffle aku dapet dari wikipedia..

In the late '80s, the Melbourne Shuffle began to emerge as a distinct dance, incorporating more hand movement than it's predecessor, Stomping. Hip hop, disco and rock music was gradually replaced with trance, breakbeat hardcore, drum and bass and house music. Shuffling originally incorporated tap and traditional ballet -style foot shuffling. Shuffling originated from 'Stomping', which in turn originated from previous historical celtic vernacular dance styles. The Irish Jig can easily be matched to some earlier variations of the Melbourne Shuffle. When b-boys started attending Shuffling dance events, they brought in their own set of hip hop dance moves, for example, the running man. Ever since such hip hop influences, the Melbourne Shuffle has featured a more 'underground vibe' than oldskool Shuffling (some may even say it has an 'urban' feel).

Mid–late 1990s

A number of videos documenting the style during this era exist as the style increased in popularity[2]. There are many variations of this dance but the main heel-to-toe movement remained the key motion, giving it the name "the Melbourne shuffle".


In 2004 a documentary entitled Melbourne Shuffler began filming in Melbourne clubs, raves[citation needed], festivals and outdoor events, before being released on DVD in 2005. In 2006 with the rising popularity of YouTube, dancers internationally now contribute to the Shuffle online, posting their own variations and learning from others.[3] The German bandScooter featured the shuffle performed by veterans Pae & Sarah in the video for the singleJ'adore Hardcore.The Melbourne shuffle has changed as it has evolved over time, as more people have practiced the dance, the dance itself has changed from the majority of hand movements over feet movements, to present day, where it is mostly based on keeping in time with bass beats.

Mid 2009–Present

In early to mid 2009 the infectious popularity of the Melbourne shuffle on YouTube began to calm but not die, bringing upon a new age of shufflers. The dance began to revert back to what some people call "Oldschool". This reversion of shuffling consisted mostly of wide variations of the "T-Step", minimal running man, and is accented by glides and spins. Although this may be referred to as "Oldschool" this new age of style is still very different from the way rockers in the '90s danced.


The name "Melbourne shuffle" was coined by Sonic Animation's Rupert Keiller. The Agereferred to it as looking like "a cross between the chicken dance and a foot stomping robot" to the untrained eye[1], but locals simply called it "stomping" or "shuffling".

Some dancers sprinkle talcum powder or apply liquid to the floor beneath their feet to help them glide more easily, some including 360 degree spins or jumps into their moves.[1]. Others apply smooth plastic tape to the soles of their shoes.

Originally consisting of the "T-Step" combined with arm movements, during recent years the "Running Man" has also been adopted into many common styles, accentuating the new focus of keeping time with the beat. The "Running man" involves a stomp forward followed by a single or double hop backwards with the same foot, the other foot repeats the action leading to a running-on-the-spot motion. The "T-Step" is a fast sideways heel-toe motion on one foot twisting at the ankle. The dance is embellished by spins, arm pumps, slides, and kicks.

Hardstyle is performed to music that features a fast 4/4 beat (also known as a 'four-on-the-floor' beat), and is normally accompanied by a heavy, booming bass. For this reason, many people in the US and Europe incorrectly refer to the "shuffle" as just "hardstyle" despite the term "hardstyle" being an umbrella term for many different rave dances globally and as a genre of electronic music. Hardstyle is now most popular danced to the genre under its same name. Hardstyle is a rave dance, whilst most other styles were typically performed in clubs. Hardstyle is also vernacular.


The Melbourne shuffle dance style has remained relatively underground since its birth in the late 80s and early 90s. The term "Melbourne shuffle" was recorded in the media when Sonic Animation's Rupert Keiller was interviewed by rage, an all night Australian music TV show[4]. The interviewer asked Rupert what his unique style of dance was and the reply was "the Melbourne Shuffle". In December 2002 The Age, an Australian newspaper, made mention of the term in a front page article[1], attempting to illustrate what the popular Melbourne Shuffle was for the first time to the mainstream public.

Originally Malaysian students studying in Melbourne learned the Melbourne Shuffle at local clubs and parties. They then showed people how to do it when they returned home.[5]

Shufflers have taken their art form and self-expressive dance style overseas and are a regular sight to be seen at rave parties in the UK, Germany, Malaysia and also Thailand, where shufflers can be seen shuffling on the beaches of Koh Phangan during the Full Moon Beach Party. The internet has also been a factor in spreading knowledge and interest in the shuffle.

A documentary on the topic entitled Melbourne Shuffler[6] was in production during 2004–2005 and was recently released in late 2005 on DVD. Another huge contributor to the fame and popularity of the Melbourne Shuffle is YouTube. Every shuffler and shuffle crew found themselves able to support the Melbourne Shuffle and show off their own style and moves, these videos captured everyone's attention.

On 6 September 2008, Network 10 had started filming footage at the Hard Style Dance (HSD).[7] Nightclub for an upcoming Documentary on the Melbourne Shuffle, although no other news has surfaced after the filming of the footage.

In November 2008, "So You Think You Can Shuffle" [8], an Australian YouTube-based video voting competition website was launched, where Shufflers from around the country can showcase their dance skills, comment, and vote on other videos. Starting in 2009 "So You Think You Can Shuffle" also started hosting official shuffle meetups and competitions around Australia and Germany.

In December 2008, The Daily Mercury, a Queensland publication, reported on a story about the Melbourne Shuffle's presence in Mackay. It cited the city's high youtube exposure when compared to other major cities in Queensland. [1]

In 2009, MSO, a Melbourne-based company that produces robotics, rave clothing, music and art began production on a documentary titled "GLOBAL SHUFFLE 1990:2010". Scheduled for release in January 2011, the film contains rare footage from Melbourne's underground dance scene in the 90's and documents the invention and evolution of the Melbourne Shuffle. It will feature involvement from the likes of Dr3kar, Shifter Hardstyle Prodigy, Euphemism, Matthew Moyle, Television Unlimited and Global Village.


Wkt itu hari Sabtu,aku opal raras nadya alma dhifa s putri vandra thaya rivo sean wibi retha thisa dll Buka Bersama di Teko,ngakak terus di Teko kyk org gila ke Teko massal! :p
Kuceritain dari awal ya........

Pertamanya yg ke teko duluan aku,putri,nadya,alma. Kita lg mau nonton Inception(maunya) tapitapi Inception udh gak adaa :'( jd kita nonton Looking For Jackie,seru deh! tp sebelum filmnya mulai,ada nenek2 gitu nanyain kitaa-__-" ya bodolah namanya jg org tua. Di dlm Bioskop kita berempat NGAKAK2!! gitu deh gara2 ada cowok yg ngejar Jackie nya tuh kocak bgt,apalagi pas nangis! pingin guling guling daah

Selesai nonton,kita langsung lari2 gitu kebawah,garagara katanya si Retha (dia baru dateng) Perform Shuffle Brother (SB) udh mulaai,ceritanya.. ada salah satu dari kita suka banget sm anak SB,namanya aan :p IMUUUTTTT bgt deh anaknya tp item,jelek wkwk :p
nah pas udh sampe di belakang Teko,nyatanya belom mulai,kita malah muteermuteermuteer gitu deh gara2 mereka...*yg suka AAN* itu malu msk,haha sebenernya aku jg malu sih masuknyaa :p
Tp SB blm perform,msh Band2 gituu

EH,tbtb si Rivo dtg! bagaikan Malaikat Penyelamat deh dia! jd aku bisa Twitteran deeh~
tp dia gamau msk ke belakang,entah mengapa-_-" eh eh eh tbtb si Alma tuh matanya jelii bgt dia ngeliat COWOK GANTENG bgt!! astagastagaastgagaaaaaa pake Jaket Merah,baju biru,hapenya BB Bold silicon warna biru.hehee♥♥♥

Terus Dhifa s dtg,thisa,vandra,opal,thaya,wibi dll dtg-__-""
Tbtb si sean nelfon,nyatanya..
SEAN anak yg KAYA tajir yg sering bgt ke Mall Mall itu gatau dmn SOLARIA teko tempat kita Bukber! OMGOMG-_-"
terus si nia jg nelfon2 terus
itu kira2 udh jam 5-an gituu
Nyatanya SB Perform jam 6 atau 7-an gitu deh haha
*ohiya TAOSnya cantik2 yaaa:p* *TAOS; The Angel Of Shuffle*

Akhirnya kita mesen makanan,berisiiiik bgt deh kita
Disana Kita tuh udh asik bgt tempatnya,obrolannya *HAHA*
terus ngakak2 gituu
Udh beneran deh Org Gila ke Teko Massal!!
Terus semuanya ngumpul,dan....
akhirnya buka jg,tp yg lainnya udh dpt makanan
cuma aku sm si. SEAN-_-" yg belom dpt,ckckck
Terus abis makan,pas perjalanan menuju mushola kita ketemu anak Shuffle lg makan,
ngakak deh si opal ngelawak gitu deh terus dia teriak2 AAAN AAAN!! gtgt ke aan,terus ke anak SB gitu astagaaa-__-" yg suka aan,pada teriak teriak gt 'OPAAL OPAAL NGAPAIN LU BALIKK!!!!!>//<" gtgt hahahaa si Retha,
mantannya Aan jg di ejek2 gt sm opal,akhirnya terbentuklah
EHEEEM CIE :p 'REPAL' REthaoPAL :p hahaa
laluu kita teriak2 gitu terus main LIMBOO!~ di Mushola Teko!!
hahaha diliat banyak org lagi,sumpah disitu ngakakk bgt

Terus kita semua Ke Bengawan Solo,sambil nungguin anak SB Perform
Eh Eh Eh si Alma kan Beli Minum Nadya beli makan di Bengsol,gila ENAK BGT OMG~~
Beli deh disana! udh tempatnya pewe bgt terus enaak deh pokoknya! *promosidahgua-__-"*
Terus akhirnya,SB perform
gila TAOS cantik bgtt tp aku lbh cantik sih wkwk :P
Yg SB jg keren bgt kok.
Ada Yg sambil Beat Box2 jg haha
Pas kita balik ke Bengsol,NGAKAK BGT DEH HAHAHAA
si rivo,sean,opal mau buat grup SB gitu, dan bodohnya mereka kira Shuffle itu Beat Box,ckck kawanku mengapa kalian begitu bodoh? ohiya nanti katanya mau perform mereka di Lobby sekolah,nama grup nya kalogasalaah... hm 'Siput Keracunan' Terinspirasi dr Keong Racun,begomerekaaa-__-"""

Akhirnyaa... kita keatas,disana udh pada misah sm pulang gt,kirakira tinggal aku,alma,nadya,sena*tbtbngikut diaa-__-"* sean rivo thaya dhifa s wibi retha raras yg disitu
kalogasalah udh jam 8 malem gitu,hoho kita akhirnya merubahnya menjadi MALMING BARENG TEMEN! bukan BUKBER BARENG lagii

dan akhirnya,setelah itu pada pulang,aku nebeng si Retha
Ceritanya Selesai deeh
Love,Nafiah Salsabila
(copas dari blog Nafiah)

Bahasa banci


A: Akika mawar belalang spartakus nih.
B: Emang spartakus yang lambreta napose?
A: Sutra Rusia!
B: Akika mawar belalang Tasmania.
A: Tasmania kawanua yang lambada jugra sutra Rusia?
B: Tinta … pingin gaya atitah!
A: Sihombing loe!
B: Tinta … soraya kayangan anjas! He … he …



Akika = Aku
Begindaaaaaang = Begitu
Belalang = Beli
Belenjong = Belanja
Beranak Dalam Kubur = Berak
Cacamarica = Cari
Cucok = Cocok
Cumi = Cium
Diana = Dia
Endaaaaaaaaaang = Enak
Gilingan = Gila
Hamidah = Hamil
Hima Layang = Hilang
Jali-Jali = Jalan-Jalan
Jayus = joke-garing
Jijay Markijay = Jijik
Kanua = Kamu
Kawilarang = Kawin
Kesindaaaang = Kesini
Kemindang = Kemana
Kencana = Kencing
Kepelong = Kepala
Kesandro = Kesana
Krejong = Kerja
Lambreta = Lambat
Lapangan Bola = Lapar
Maharani = Mahal
Makarena = Makan
Maluku = Malu
Mandole = Mandi
Mataram = Mati
Mawar = Mau
Merekah = Marah
Minangan = Minum
Motorola = Motor
Mukadima = Muka
Mursida = Murah
Nanda = Nanti
Naspro = Nasi
Organ = Orang
Organ Tunggal = Orang Tua
Pere = Perempuan
Pertiwi = Perut
Piur = Pergi
Rambutan = Rambut
Sastra = Satu
Sekong = Sakit
Sepong = Siapa
Sirkuit = Sedikit
Soraya Perucha = Sakit Perut
Tinta = Tidak
Titi DJ = Hati-hati di jalan





yea, my name is Aretha but you can call me Retha :) i'm sixth grader girl. i really really really love singing, dancing, ice skating and do some crafts. wanna know more about me? follow my twitter @aretreth ym, msn, skype? dm me. follback? mention me :D